
Video – The Children of the Murderers of Local Civil Administration Heads in El Geneina Accuse the Khamis Abaker Movement of Being Responsible for Killing Their Relatives

 – Rhino

On Nov. 3, 2023, a tragic incident unfolded in the Ardamta area of El Geneina, West Darfur State, resulting in the deaths of two leaders of the local civil administration. The victims were from distinct tribal backgrounds — one from the Masalit tribe and the other from the Arab tribe. The grieving sons of the deceased accused the Comrades militias linked to former Governor Khamis Abaker of bearing responsibility for the murder of their relatives.


The son of Chief Mohammed Arbab highlighted the deep, special connection between his father and Mayor Amin Suleiman. According to him, persons linked to the Comrades militia, who he describes as “retaliators,” unleashed a barrage of bullets from a shotgun that resulted in the tragic deaths of his father and Mayor Suleiman. He and another person were severely injured and are now undergoing  treatment in the hospital.

Meanwhile, Nasser al-Amin Suleiman, the son of the deceased mayor, revealed that his father sustained injuries from shell fragments that landed in the home of one of their neighbors. Immediately after the injury, a medic performed first aid on his father with the hope to later transport him to a military hospital for treatment.

Mustafa Ali Osman, a hospital medic, stated that on Friday he was with Chief Arbab and two of his sons and Mayor Suleiman at the latter’s residence in Ardamata. As the gunfire escalated, Mayor Suleiman sustained an injury to his left leg. Despite receiving first aid, the bleeding persisted. Shortly thereafter, a tank belonging to the Comrades passed in front of the mayor’s house. Upon recognizing Chief Arbab and Mayor Suleiman, they opened fire, killing them. One of the chief’s sons and another person were also injured.


Militia allegations:

The Comrades militias asserted that they are not responsible for the killing of the local civil administration leaders. They claimed that they were shot by the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and Rapid Support Forces (RSF) during clashes in El Geneina on Nov. 2, 2023.

Sovereign Council:

The Sovereign Council has condemned the killing of Chief Arbab, a prominent figure in the local civil administration in West Darfur State. The council laid the blame on the RSF, accusing it of committing the crime. The basis for their accusation was that the slain men ere notable leaders in the local civil administration and the RSF is responsible for maintaining security in the region.

Sultanate of Dar Masalit:

The Sultanate of Dar Masalit stated that the RSF was responsible for the tragic killing of Chief Arbab, his son, and his eight grandchildren in Ardamata. The sultanate asserted that Chief Arbab held a prominent role as a leader within the local civil administration of the Sultanate of Dar Masalit, and his death was a significant loss to the sultanate.

Rapid Support Forces:

The RSF has refuted responsibility for the killing of the local civil administration leaders and instead pointed the finger at persons associated with the SAF Military Intelligence, alleging their involvement in the crime. The RSF claims to possess compelling evidence supporting these accusations. Furthermore, it asserted that the RSF is a national institution committed to respecting human rights, emphasizing that it will not offer protection to anyone found to be involved in any violations of civilians’ rights.

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