
Minawi and Tambur movements accused of looting and rape in eastern Sudan

Rhino: Agencies – Residents of “Abu Rakham“ village in “Gadaref” state complained of attacks by armed men affiliated with armed movements, saying that they are committing crimes of theft, looting and rape at gunpoint and terrorizing unarmed civilians, forcing the villagers to flee in large numbers, up to 70% of the population, to the village of “Al-Mafaza” since Thursday to the village of al-Mafaza since last Thursday.

The villagers accused forces affiliated with Mustafa Tambur and Minni Arko Minawi of committing these crimes on the road leading to Dinder, which is used by those fleeing the war in Sennar State.

An eyewitness from the village of “Abu Rakhm” told Radio Dabanga that forces affiliated with the two movements carry out raids on the village, constantly attack people inside their homes, terrorize unarmed civilians, commit crimes of theft, looting and rape at gunpoint, and assault people.

They have been extorting residents by forcibly taking their money, phones, property and other belongings, he said, and threatening to rape their girls if they refuse to hand them over. “So people were forced to flee the village in search of safety,” he said.

The eyewitness appealed to the leaders of the armed movements, Minni Arko Minawi, the ruler of the Darfur region, and Mustafa Tambur, to control their forces and stop what he described as tampering, and prevent them from entering the village and attacking its residents and terrorizing them, pointing out that there are no armed forces or RSF forces in the area, stressing that those who commit these crimes are affiliated with the movements.

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