
U N announces a food aid program for five million Sudanese

Rhino: Agencies – The United Nations World Food Program (WFP) revealed that it plans to reach 5 million Sudanese in hunger hotspots through general food aid, nutrition, school meals, and resilience-building activities throughout the year.

It said in a statement that it is prioritizing aid to 44 hunger hotspot locations in areas of active fighting such as Khartoum, Kordofan, Darfur and Gezira, where 2.6 million people are at risk of falling into famine.

Five convoys, carrying 5,000 tons of food, have crossed from Chad to communities in Darfur this year. Some have been distributed and others are in the process of being distributed, while some parts of the convoys are still on their way to their final destinations.

The program revealed that three more convoys are expected to cross the al-Tina crossing, which connects northern Chad to North Darfur, noting that aid in South Kordofan and Blue Nile is being delivered through South Sudan.

The onset of the rainy season and poor communications add a new complexity to humanitarian operations in South Kordofan, he said.

WFP said it resumed food distributions in Gezira state last week, for the first time since it came under the control of the Rapid Support Forces late last year.

It said it provided children in 460 schools in Kassala and Gedaref with take-home rations, while it began cash distributions in Blue Nile and West Darfur states for the first time since the conflict erupted on 15 April 2023.

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