
Sudanese Congress: Extrajudicial ethnic and regional arrests in army-controlled areas

Khartoum: Rhino – The Sudanese Congress Party said on Sunday that the Port Sudan government is conducting extrajudicial arrests and arbitrary trials – some of them military – against a number of Sudanese women and men under the pretext of cooperation with the Rapid Support Forces in areas controlled by the armed forces, tainted by tribal and regional character and settling political accounts against those who refuse to continue the war.

In a statement on Sunday, the party pointed out that these illegal trials are conducted by military judges, and their verdicts have reached the death penalty, as well as prison terms of varying lengths.

The statement read: (We in the Sudanese Congress Party condemn the repressive, tyrannical and illegal behavior of the Port Sudan government in places controlled by the armed forces by confiscating the freedom of innocent people, and we see it as a complete reversal of the concepts of the glorious December revolution and its noble values, especially freedom and justice, which is the same behavior of the defunct National Congress regime We affirm that we will oppose this abhorrent criminal approach with all the tools of legal action and peaceful civil struggle, and we hold this government fully responsible for the safety of the detainees and prisoners, and demand their immediate release.

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