
The army storms Al-Jazeera Aba, looting citizens’ homes and properties and arresting dozens

Gezira Aba: Rhino – Eyewitnesses from Rabak city in White Nile state said on Wednesday that an army force of 85 vehicles stormed the new neighborhood of the city after besieging it from 3:00 am to 11:00 am, looting a large number of cars, and motorcycles, looting some valuable items from houses, and arresting a number of citizens.

The witnesses added that the army force then penetrated inside Al Jazeera Aba and attacked the neighborhoods of Al Hilla Al Jadida and Al Ziadia, looting a number of cars and motorcycles and arresting a number of citizens, before splitting into two sections, the first section returned with what it carried to Rabak, while the other section moved south towards the neighborhoods of Taiba, south of Al Jazeera Aba.

In the neighborhoods of Taiba, the force arrested a number of citizens, but after local residents gathered and confronted the force, demanding that they release the detainees or kill everyone, the force returned from whence it came.

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