
AU: Jeddah Platform is the only platform currently active to reach a ceasefire

Rhino: Agencies – A delegation from the Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces (Taqaddam) met on Monday in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, with the African Union High Tripartite Mechanism headed by Ambassador ‘Mohamed Chambas’ and Mrs ‘Simposa Wanderer’.

The delegation, which was headed by Dr Alhadi Idris, Vice President of the Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces, included Ms Hayam Bushra, Vice President of the Coordination, Mr Al-Sadiq Al-Sadiq, Secretary General of the Coordination, Ms Asmaa Mahmoud Mohamed Taha and Dr Bakri Al-Jack, members of the leadership body of Taqaddum.

The Coordination said in a press statement that the AU HLM delegation appreciated the success of the Taqaddam conference and informed them of their efforts to stop the war in Sudan through a comprehensive political solution negotiated by the Sudanese themselves, and that the AU is working to unify peace-seeking efforts in one platform while stressing that the Jeddah platform is the only effective platform currently to reach a ceasefire. The HLM delegation also confirmed that the AU is about to facilitate a comprehensive dialogue between Sudanese in the coming weeks.

For its part, the delegation of the Coordination of Democratic Forces gave a comprehensive briefing to the AU High-Level Mechanism on the tragic conditions of the Sudanese in the areas of war, displacement and refugees, especially after the expansion of the war and the threat of famine, which has become a real reality. The Taqaddam delegation also provided a detailed explanation of the political vision of Taqaddam and plans to call for a round table conference for the forces that reject the war and support the civil democratic transition to reach a vision on stopping the war before going to a political process to regulate the country in conjunction with the ceasefire.

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