
SPLM – NORTH: Port Sudan government delegation rejects three practical proposals to deliver aid

Juba: Rhino – The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) reiterated its position calling for the delivery of humanitarian aid to all regions of Sudan without geographical or ethnic bias, at the same time, and by UN agencies, in accordance with international humanitarian law.
The spokesman of the SPLM-N delegation negotiating in Juba, Gatiego Amoja Dalman, said on Tuesday that the proposal submitted by the Port Sudan government to deliver aid is an air bridge to deliver ‘aid’ to each of the 14th Division Headquarters – Kadugli, 22nd Division Headquarters – Babanusa, and 10th Division Headquarters – Abu Jubaiha, in addition to security measures and military technical committees to manage the joint forces that will protect the airports of the cities ‘Division Headquarters’ mentioned in the proposal.
Dilman said in a statement on Tuesday that the SPLM made three practical proposals, the first of which was the delivery of humanitarian aid without a concluded agreement, based on a previous experience, as the SPLM secured eight relief trucks belonging to the World Food Program (WFP) on the fifth of November last year, three of them carrying life-saving medicines, from Dilling to Kadugli and back, without any agreement, but the Port Sudan government delegation rejected the proposal.

He added: ‘The second proposal of the SPLM delegation was for each party to sign individually with the United Nations agencies under the supervision of the mediation of the State of South Sudan, after which the mediation committee will hold a meeting of the parties to discuss the technical aspects based on the experience of the Lifeline program in 1989, but the Port Sudan government delegation also rejected the proposal.’
He continued: ‘The third proposal, in order to ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid to all regions of Sudan, the SPLM delegation proposed that all warring parties sign a declaration of cessation of hostilities, so that none of the warring parties would hinder the delivery of humanitarian aid to the needy, but the Port Sudan government delegation rejected this proposal as well.

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