
Nairobi Declaration emphasizes secular state, cessation of war and Sudanese unity on a voluntary basis

Rhino: Agencies – Former Sudanese Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok, Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) leader Abdel Aziz al-Hilu, and Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) leader Abdel Wahid Mohamed Nour signed a joint agreement in the Kenyan capital Nairobi on Saturday, calling for an end to the war and preserving the unity of Sudan’s territory and people.
The Nairobi Declaration, signed today, emphasised the unity of Sudan’s people and territory, its sovereignty over its land and resources, based on the voluntary unity of its peoples and decentralised democratic governance.
It also stressed the need for the state to be committed to historical and contemporary diversity, provided that the Sudanese identity that does not discriminate between Sudanese because of race, religion, colour, language and region is the basis of citizenship, and the establishment of a secular and unbiased state that stands at the same distance from religions, identities and cultures, acknowledges diversity and expresses all its components with equality and justice, as well as the establishment of a new military and security system according to internationally agreed standards, leading to a single professional and national army working according to a new military doctrine committed to protecting national security according to the constitution and that its loyalty is to the nation and its composition reflects all Sudanese according to the criteria of the constitution and the constitution.
The declaration stressed the need to take into account the historical roots of the complex crisis that accompanied the national administrations since the departure of the colonialists, which prevented the realization of the aspirations of the sons and daughters of Sudan in a homeland of unity, peace, stability and prosperity that encompasses all its people with their unique diversity.

The declaration called on the two warring parties in Sudan to immediately cease fire as a prelude to a permanent cessation of war and to cooperate seriously and with real will with regional and international efforts, including the Jeddah Platform, and to fully abide by their responsibility under international humanitarian law by removing all obstacles to humanitarian aid, allowing aid through neighboring countries and across frontlines to reach all citizens without obstacles, and providing protection to all humanitarian workers from international and local organizations.

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