
Tashishi: The Sudanese army’s practices are inherent and not imported from ISIS

Khartoum: Rhino – Former Sovereignty Council member Mohamed Hassan al-Taishi said that the mutilation of corpses is inherent in the Sudanese army, not imported from ISIS, but it is true that ISIS Islamists entered into the center of this battle, and many other Sudanese intellectuals who identified with all this brutality and barbarism and above all with the war, under very naive arguments under the pretext of preserving the state and its institutions.

Al-Taishi added in a tweet on his account on the ‘X’ platform on Sunday: ‘I would not have commented on the image of the military ISIS soldiers, who belong to the Sudanese army, disemboweling the body of a Sudanese citizen in a shocking and bestial manner, except that it brings back to my memory, and the memory of everyone who remembers, all the hideous and brutal crimes committed by the armed forces as part of the violence that the state practiced towards Sudanese civilians over the decades and eras.

 He continued: ‘In fact, these practices that the defenders of the state are silent about are the same practices of the state and its security institutions, not just ISIS. There are honest and noble Sudanese who have documented the era of torture and ghost houses, and in every story of those dark events in the dark history of our country, there is something similar to this crime and more.)

 The former Sovereign Council member said that the Anbar Gouda incident or the massacre in Tabit village or Hamada village is just another picture that is invisible to all people, and it is not the violence of ISIS, but the violence of the state and its institutions.

He added:(I grieve for the citizen who was killed and whose body was mutilated by human dogs. But this brutal killing should be seen and understood in the context of the violence of the state and its institutions, which must be radically and comprehensively changed if we want this country to enjoy peace, stability and development).

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