
Hemedti: We took on a just national mission and stood on the right side of history

Khartoum: Rhino – The commander of the Rapid Support Forces, General Mohamed Hamdan Daglo, stressed that war was not an option for them, saying that their position was and still is firmly in favor of peace and democratic civilian rule, led by real democratic forces from all regions of Sudan, especially marginalized areas, women and youth. He added: “We made efforts to end the war and restore democratic civilian rule, which can only be denied by those who deny it.
In a speech marking the one-year anniversary of the April 15 war, Daglo said that the first spark of its outbreak was when an army force surrounded camps belonging to the RSF in southern Khartoum, pointing out that he telephoned the army commander at the time, the head of the UN mission “Volker Peretz” and others to contain the situation: (“However, after the forces that were besieging the RSF began attacking them, in conjunction with intensive and continuous air attacks by the air force on RSF camps and positions, we had no choice but to exercise our natural and legitimate right to self-defense and repel aggression.)
The following is the text of the speech:

In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful,

May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our greatest messenger, Muhammad,

To our cherished people and devoted soldiers,

May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon all of you.

On this day one year ago, as the Sudanese people prepared to celebrate Eid al-Fitr, looking forward to the conclusion of the political transition and the formation of a new transitional government, the the former regime, backed by extremist elements within the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) led by General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, chose to incite conflict. They attacked the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in multiple locations in Sudan, plunging our nation into the dire predicament it faces today.

Dear Citizens,

I would like to emphasize unequivocally that war has never been an option for the RSF. Our stance has always been and continues to be in favor of peace and the establishment of democratic civilian rule, led by genuine democratic forces from all regions of Sudan – particularly marginalized regions, women, and youth. We have made significant efforts to facilitate civilian rule in our country and bring an end to this conflict – efforts that cannot be overlooked.

We, in the RSF, committed to reinstating the path of democratic transition, with the fundamental principle of a unified army. Together with the SAF commander, we laid down principles guiding the process of security and military reform aimed at building a unified, cohesive army. On March 15, 2023, we signed a document outlining these foundations and principles. That same day, during a meeting with representatives of the Quartet, the Tripartite Mechanism, and the European Union, we communicated that only one outstanding issue remained regarding command and control. We assured them that we would address this through negotiation and sign a final agreement in the first week of April, thereby removing all military personnel from positions of power once and for all.

However, driven by their preference for hostility and disdain for change and democratic transition, and in their hope to undermine the political process and thwart our collective efforts to establish a democratic system, al-Burhan and his extremist allies within the SAF leadership betrayed those principles and ignited this war on April 15, together with elements linked to the former regime.

The war began with a SAF unit besieging RSF camps in South of Khartoum. However, to prevent unnecessary strife or conflict and avoid any escalation toward war, I personally contacted the SAF commander, as well as the head of the UN mission, Volker Perthes, and other relevant parties.

Shortly after these calls were made, the SAF forces besieging us in South of Khartoum launched an all-out attack on our forces. At the same time, the SAF Air Force commenced intensive and sustained air assaults on RSF camps and positions. Consequently, we were left with no other option but to assert our inherent and legitimate right to self-defense and repel this unwarranted aggression.

This is how the war unfolded, which unleashed devastation upon Khartoum and other regions of Sudan and forced over 4 million people into displacement. Thousands more were compelled to leave their homes in Darfur and Kordofan, intensifying the humanitarian crisis in conflict zones where access to aid is hindered by the SAF leadership. The conflict has also been characterized by widespread human rights violations, echoing the tragic realities often observed in times of war.

Our Cherished People,
Our Courageous Soldiers,

The outbreak of this war, which has resulted in widespread destruction, displacement, and human rights abuses, is a crime that must not go unpunished. On the one-year anniversary of this conflict, we again reaffirm our call to the UN and the African Union to launch an international inquiry that will reveal to the Sudanese people and the world who instigated this war and fuels its flames today.

This war, which has led to devastation unprecedented in Sudan’s history, particularly in Khartoum, poses a significant threat to peace and security – not only in Africa but all throughout the world.

This war has given rise to catastrophic humanitarian conditions, as is often the case in prolonged conflicts. In addressing this dire humanitarian and human rights situation, the RSF leadership has taken proactive measures, leveraging our ability to provide relief and medical aid and coordinate humanitarian operations in the areas under our control in Khartoum, Darfur, Gezira, and Kordofan.

Our Dearest Citizens,
Our Heroic Soldiers,

Despite our heartfelt efforts and the measures that we continue to undertake to mitigate the impact of this war, we recognize that halting the brutal devastation and effectively addressing the issue of human rights violations require tackling the root causes of this conflict. Therefore, we have fully and sincerely engaged in the Jeddah negotiations sponsored by Saudi Arabia and the United States. We have also taken part in the Manama talks with the utmost seriousness and readiness, where I, alongside representatives from the Kingdom of Bahrain, engaged in discussions sponsored by the United States, United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and Arab Republic of Egypt.

In our pursuit of peace, I have traveled from Sudan to participate in a summit organized by IGAD in Uganda. However, the SAF commander was conspicuously absent from that summit. Thus, it became evident to us that while we actively sought peace from Jeddah to Manama to Kampala, the SAF command, in coordination with the former regime, was preparing to escalate this war by launching renewed attacks on our forces in Omdurman and advancing in certain areas. Faced with this reality, we had no recourse but to confront them again. Through the grace of Allah and the unwavering courage of our brave soldiers, we successfully halted their advance along that front.

At the conclusion of this sacred month, instead of seeking peace through dialogue and negotiation, the SAF leadership, in concert with the former regime and their allied armed movements, attacked the RSF in Gezira State and Sinnar. However, we emerged victorious, defeating all assailants and capturing 118 fully equipped combat vehicles along with a vast array of military equipment.

Our Dearest Citizens,

On this auspicious occasion of Eid al-Fitr and the solemn one-year anniversary of this catastrophic war, we renew to the Sudanese people and the world our solemn commitment to sustainable peace. We pledge to negotiate and fervently support a comprehensive political process aimed at ending this conflict that has been imposed upon us and to alleviate the profound suffering endured by our displaced and refugee populations. We also call upon all Sudanese people to reject tribal and ethnic hate speech, as it poses a grave threat to our unity and undermines the very fabric of our society.

In this regard, today, we reaffirm our steadfast commitment to the vision that we have outlined for resolving this crisis and bringing about an end to this war. Our vision is based on addressing the root causes of this conflict in a manner that redresses historical grievances and restores rights, facilitating a peaceful democratic transition and sustainable peace. It entails recognizing and implementing transitional justice, empowering citizens across all regions of Sudan to manage their economic, political, social, and cultural affairs within a truly federal system, and eradicating divisive tendencies. It also seeks to put an end once and for all to state-sponsored violence against marginalized sectors of Sudanese society, particularly in the periphery, and to combat hate speech while fostering peaceful coexistence, acceptance, and mutual respect among all Sudanese. Central to this vision is the establishment of a new Sudanese army, consolidating existing multiple armed forces into a unified, professional national military institution. This new entity will be apolitical, reflective of Sudan’s great diversity in its leadership, and based on demographic representation. It will be tasked with safeguarding the constitution and the democratic system – and adhere to the fundamental democratic principle that the military is subject to civilian oversight and control.

Our Cherished People,

In conclusion, I would like to underscore that the courageous soldiers of the RSF harbor absolutely no animosity toward honorable SAF soldiers. They are not our adversaries in this war; rather, they are our fellow Sudanese, compelled to partake in this conflict by al-Burhan and the former regime.

We unequivocally embrace all initiatives aimed at achieving substantiative peace and restoring the democratic transition in Sudan. We stand ready to engage in dialogue anywhere in the world to secure a peace that relieves the suffering of the Sudanese people. We are not proponents of war. We did not instigate this conflict that erupted on April 15. Neither we, nor our people have any interest in its continuation. Our hands will therefore forever remain extended in pursuit of peace.

Despite our control of Darfur, Gezira State, portions of Kordofan, and the majority of Khartoum State, the RSF reiterates its complete readiness to observe a ceasefire throughout Sudan. We stand prepared to do so to ensure humanitarian access, the unimpeded delivery of humanitarian aid, and safe passage for civilians and aid workers, and to pave the way for inclusive and comprehensive political negotiations that lead to a substantiative political solution and the establishment of a civilian-led government that guides the country toward democratic transition and enduring peace.

While we remain committed to the pursuit of peace and a negotiated political solution, we will nevertheless not hesitate to defend ourselves and confront the former regime and its allied elements within the SAF leadership, the General Intelligence Service, and any armed movements that align themselves with enemies of change, democratic transition, and peace, who betray the aspirations of the regions and communities that they have claimed to represent.

On this day, I urge my Sudanese brothers and sisters to never lose hope in the possibility of peace and our return to our homes, stability, and democratic transition. The sun will shine brightly in our country, despite the darkness into which we have been thrust by the former regime that ignited this war to obstruct the path of democratic transition. Together, let us work together toward achieving our shared vision of a peaceful and prosperous Sudan.

My message to our courageous fighters across Sudan is clear: we are advocating for a just national cause for which we must make significant sacrifices. We have stood boldly and resolutely on these ideals, aligning ourselves with the right side of history. I reiterate my steadfast directive to you all: in every military operation, prioritize the protection of civilians, respect their rights, safeguard their property and dignity, and preserve public assets and infrastructure. Let it be known that we are staunch advocates of peace and should any genuine opportunity for peace arise – one that addresses the serious historical challenges facing our nation – we will seize it without hesitation.

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