
Eleven civilians killed in El-Daein as a result of the army’s barrel bombardment of the city

Al-Daein – Rhino: Citizens from the Al-Daein city (the capital of East Darfur state) said that the Sudanese army’s aircraft dropped six barrel bombs on the residential neighborhoods of the city at midnight on Tuesday, killing eleven civilians according to preliminary statistics, including nine from one family, children and women, injuring dozens of civilians, and burning and destroying hundreds of homes. The shelling also targeted the “Al-Nem camp” for displaced people, a hospital and two water stations in the city.

For its part, the Raid Support Forces said in a statement Tuesday that the repeated bombing of unarmed civilians with barrel bombs and deliberately, is a cowardly criminal act. “The level of hatred and hatred that terrorists have of our great people reveals this work is added to their list of crimes of bombing civilian objects such as homes, hospitals, schools, markets, residential neighborhoods, and bridges, power and water plants.

The statement said: “As we condemn these barbaric acts, we call on the masses of our people and the world, especially international human rights organizations and human rights institutions, to condemn these extremist atrocities practiced by Al-Burhan militias and the National Congress brigades against innocent people. The Fighters of the Rapid Support Forces are determined to end this war for the benefit of our people, and to re-establish the Sudanese state on new and just foundations, lifting injustice to all Sudanese peoples, and achieving security and peace under true democratic rule”.

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