
RSF: Sudanese Armed Forces continues to perpetrate severe crimes against civilians


The Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) continues to perpetrate severe crimes against innocent civilians, together with its extremist backers from the former regime. In the early hours of this morning, the SAF and its terror-driven allies launched airstrikes on several residential areas in the city of al-Da’ein, the capital of East Darfur State.

This indiscriminate aerial assault led to the tragic loss of 11 innocent lives, including women and children and nine members of a single family. The attack injured dozens of innocent civilians, destroyed hundreds of homes, and targeted essential infrastructure, including the Neim IDP camp, a hospital, and two water stations within the city.

The repeated bombings of civilians using barrel bombs are a cowardly criminal act that highlights the former regime’s contempt and hostility toward the people.

Such actions are part of a broader pattern of targeted bombings against civilian infrastructure, including homes, hospitals, schools, markets, residential neighborhoods, bridges, and utilities.

We vehemently denounce these savage acts and urge the Sudanese people and the international community, particularly human rights organizations, to join us in condemning the brutal and extreme violence inflicted upon innocent civilians by the SAF, its allied militias, and the National Congress Party’s jihadist brigades.

The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) remains dedicated to ending this conflict in favor of the people and to rebuilding the Sudanese state on new and just foundations. Our efforts aim to eradicate injustice against all Sudanese citizens and to secure a future marked by stability and genuine democratic governance.

Office of the Official Spokesperson
Rapid Support Forces

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