
(RSF) unequivocally condemns the appalling crime perpetrated by the Sudanese Army


The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) unequivocally condemns the appalling crime perpetrated by the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and its extremist allies linked to the former National Congress Party regime. This grievous act saw the brutal slaughter and beheading of three young men, executed in a manner reminiscent of the ISIS terrorist organization.

We have consistently raised alarms regarding the National Congress Party and its terrorist arm, the Islamic Movement, as they extend their malevolent influence across the country. Their dominance over the SAF has been manipulated to further their nefarious organizational objectives.

The National Congress Party’s grip on the leadership of the SAF, coupled with their terrorist militias exerting control over decision-making processes and wielding power through the de facto government in Port Sudan, underscores the imperative for us in the RSF to intensify our efforts. We are committed to liberating our people from the tyranny of this group.

Today, the RSF stands as the vanguard for the Sudanese people, battling against a terrorist organization that presents a formidable threat not only to Sudan’s peace and stability but also to the broader regional and global community.

In light of this heinous crime, which was motivated by abhorrent racial prejudices, we urge the United Nations, the Security Council, and all regional and international organizations to join us in condemning this act of terror against our noble people.

Office of the Official Spokesperson
Rapid Support Forces

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