
TAGADOM Coordination discusses with the Ba’ath Party ways to stop the war in Sudan

Rhino – Agencies: The Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces “TAGADOM” and the Ba’ath Arab Socialist Party announced in a joint statement today on Wednesday, that a meeting was held in the Egyptian capital (Cairo) between TAGADOM Coordination and the Real Ba’ath Party on Tuesday evening, as a response for the invitation made by “TAGADOM” to meet with the Ba’ath Party, to think about the disaster of the war and its effects at various levels and ways to confront it.

According to the statement, the meeting discussed the comprehensive crisis in Sudan as a result of the continuation of the war for nearly a year, and the resulting catastrophic humanitarian consequences, the deliberate and unprecedented destruction of the economy, infrastructure, community cohesion and a threat to the unity of the nation. The two parties stressed during the meeting that the current war is the largest existential threat to Sudan in its history, and that stopping the war is a top priority to maintain the unity and stability of Sudan.

The two parties agreed on joint field work to mobilize the national will to stop the war, fight the rhetoric of racism and hatred and engage in initiatives that seek to alleviate the humanitarian crisis.

The meeting discussed the dire humanitarian situation in Sudan in terms of displacement, asylum, severe food shortages and the terrible deterioration in health care and other basic services, and called on the parties to the war to immediately stop the war without any preconditions.

The meeting condemned all violations committed by the two main parties to the war and called on them to stop them, and stressed the need to investigate and hold accountable crimes committed by both parties.

The meeting also stressed the need to preserve the unity of Sudan – land and people – and democracy and civil governance, end the state of the multiplicity of armies in favor of a single professional national army, launch a comprehensive process of justice and transitional justice, dismantle the structure of the June 30th regime and the October 25 coup, and strive to achieve all the principles and goals raised by the glorious December revolution.

The meeting approved the formation of a “joint working group” to complete the dialogue, taking advantage of the lessons of previous experiences and the need to coordinate and unify the efforts of all civil forces in order to reach the widest civil front to stop the war and address the humanitarian disaster, restore the path of civil democratic transition and implement the slogans of the Glorious December Revolution.

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