
UN: Reports of executions of civilians during clashes in Sudan

UN: Rhino – The UN-appointed human rights expert on human rights in Sudan has called on the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), allied militias and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) to take immediate steps to protect civilians in Greater Khartoum amid escalating violence and alarming reports of summary executions.

Thursday’s warning comes as the SAF launched a major offensive last month to regain control of key areas currently held by the RSF.

The fighting has displaced more than 11 million people from their homes in Sudan, including some 2.9 million who have been forced to flee to neighboring countries as refugees. In addition to devastating climate shocks and disasters, the fighting has destroyed countless livelihoods and plunged the country into a deep hunger crisis.

September attack:

According to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the latest offensive, which began on September 25, included Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) air and artillery strikes targeting RSF positions, particularly around key entry points into the capital Khartoum, including the strategically important Halfaya Bridge.

These attacks reportedly resulted in dozens of civilian casualties and extensive damage to essential infrastructure.

Radwan Nweisser, the expert appointed by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on the situation in Sudan, said the escalation in Greater Khartoum “replicates the horrors” of the first period of conflict in April 2023

He warned that it could lead to a large number of civilian casualties among those trapped near strategic locations, serious human rights violations and mass displacement.

Summary executions:

As the fighting intensified, the UN-appointed expert highlighted alarming reports of the summary execution of dozens of young men, particularly from the Halfaya neighborhood in Khartoum-North (Bahri). Up to 70 young men are believed to have been killed in recent days.

The executions were allegedly carried out by the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Baraa bin Malik Brigade, a militia that has declared its support for the SAF.

Videos circulating in the media have shown the bodies of young men allegedly killed on suspicion of belonging to or collaborating with the RSF. This is beyond despicable and contrary to all human rights norms and standards.

One video reportedly showed armed men in Sudanese Armed Forces uniforms saying they were from Khartoum-North and had killed six men accused of looting.

Wars have rules:

Mr. Nweisser called on all parties to respect their obligations under international humanitarian and human rights laws, stressing the need to protect civilians from arbitrary executions and violence.

He also urged a prompt and independent investigation into the killings, with those responsible held accountable under international standards.

“Even in war, there are rules,” Mr. Neuser said: “Even in war, there are rules,” emphasizing the need for an immediate end to impunity for such acts.

UN-appointed expert:

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights appointed Mr. Nweisser, a Tunisian national, as the expert on the human rights situation in Sudan in December 2022, succeeding Adama Dieng.

This follows a Human Rights Council resolution that requested the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to “appoint an expert without delay” to monitor the situation in Sudan since the military seizure of power on October 25, 2021 until the restoration of a civilian-led government, in cooperation and engagement with UN offices, civil society and national stakeholders.

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