
UN human rights expert: The army and Al-Baraa Brigades executed young men for allegedly belonging to the RSF

Rhino: Agencies – The expert appointed to Sudan by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Radwan Nweisser, on Thursday called on the Sudanese Armed Forces, the Rapid Support Forces, armed movements and militias allied to each, to take immediate measures to ensure the protection of civilians in the Greater Khartoum area, amid escalating hostilities and disturbing reports of field executions.

“The ongoing fighting in the Greater Khartoum area repeats the horrors of the first period of the conflict that broke out in April last year and could lead to a large number of civilian casualties among people trapped near strategic locations, as well as serious human rights violations and widespread displacement,” he warned.

Against the backdrop of escalating hostilities, the expert expressed grave concern over reports of the field execution of dozens of young men, allegedly from the Halfaya neighborhood in the northern Khartoum district of Bahri, by Sudanese army forces and the Baraa bin Malik Brigade, which had earlier declared its support for the army. Reports indicate that up to 70 young men have been killed in the past few days.

“Videos circulating in the media showed the bodies of young men allegedly killed on suspicion of belonging to or cooperating with the RSF,” said Nweisser.

“This is absolutely outrageous and goes against all human rights standards and norms.”

A video received by sources showed armed men wearing Sudanese army uniforms, with one of them stating that they were from north of Khartoum, killing six men they said were looting houses.

Nweisser urged all parties to the conflict to respect their obligations under international humanitarian and human rights law, including their obligation to ensure that no one is arbitrarily deprived of the right to life. He also called for a prompt, thorough, independent and impartial investigation into the killings, and for perpetrators to be held accountable in accordance with relevant international standards. “Even war has rules. Impunity must end,” he added.

Since September 25, the Sudanese army has been conducting a major offensive to retake areas under the control of the RSF in the Greater Khartoum area. The Sudanese army has reportedly carried out airstrikes and artillery shelling against RSF positions, focusing on key entry points into Khartoum, including the Halfaya Bridge. The airstrikes and shelling resulted in dozens of civilian casualties and significant damage to the city’s infrastructure.

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