
Sudanese army forces beat a judge on the street

Rhino: Agencies – An armed force belonging to the Sudanese army assaulted a judge residing in the city of Duweim in White Nile State, Siddiq Abdulmuali, in front of citizens without knowing the reasons that led to this.

Al-Rakoba newspaper quoted the judge as saying that he was beaten after the end of work at 4 p.m. He was accompanied by his fellow judges from the court. As they were entering the market in their car, they stopped off the road after they saw a combat vehicle armed with a dushka and some items moving from the north to the south.

He noted that he stopped to allow the combat vehicle to pass, and as he stopped, while inside his car, he was surprised by a baton blow to the center of his head. He could not see the officer until after the second blow, when he saw someone in an armed forces uniform who started beating and cursing him.

He explained that after the beating on his head continued, one of his fellow judges told them: “This is Maulana Resident Judge Siddiq.” “This is Maulana Resident Judge Siddiq,” but the military personnel responded: “I’m killing you.

He added that they clashed with them, which prompted them to load the weapon and point it at the judge, but his colleagues who were with him managed to arrest them and immobilize the weapon. The attacker turned out to be an officer with the rank of major in the armed forces.

He continued:” The officer moved quickly and pulled a Kalashnikov from another individual, and in a loud voice he said: “I’m going to kill you.” He explained that the citizens gathered around them and the conversation was in the middle of the big market, but his colleagues were able to control the situation until the weapon fell to the ground.

He noted that the officer took a whip and started beating the judges and citizens. “I was unarmed and there was no discussion. “I was unarmed and there was no discussion between us beforehand. The judge refused to get into the combat vehicle, and the officer and soldiers tried to pull him into the combat vehicle, but they could not, and after several attempts, they managed to take him away.

The officer and soldiers tried to pull him into the combat vehicle, but they could not, and after several attempts, they managed to take him away. They then took him to the 72nd Infantry Division command in Duweim. He said that when he told the commander what happened, he took quick action to stop his attackers. The commander of the garrison came and started the process of arresting them as well and submitted the decision to the Chief Justice with a detailed report.

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