
Summit Alliance: Aviation targeting safe communities is unprecedented racism in Sudan’s history

Kampala: Agencies

The United Civilian Forces Coalition (UCCF) held a press conference on Monday in the Ugandan capital Kampala, in which it presented the coalition’s goals and means of action, which come in support of and complement all initiatives proposed to end the war and preserve the unity of Sudan’s land and people.

According to the press conference, the coalition includes (68) organizations, including grassroots forces, youth groups, resistance committees, women’s sectors, armed struggle movements that signed the Juba and Doha agreements, as well as community and religious figures and leaders.

Ibrahim Zeriba, secretary general of the United Civilian Forces (Qimam) and former chief negotiator in Juba, announced that the alliance is open to all Sudanese and their organizations, and aims to create the largest consensus and popular consensus to address the nation’s issues and re-establish it.

Zreiba said that the war of April 15, 2023, constitutes a serious turning point in the history of Sudan since the exit of the colonizer, and embodies the accumulated failure of successive regimes and governments that did not employ human and material resources fairly and equitably, which generated a complex “political, economic, social, security and cultural” crisis that led to the outbreak of civil and regional wars that caused the waste of Sudan’s resources.

He added that the war produced the worst humanitarian catastrophe the country and the contemporary world has witnessed, as it displaced the Sudanese people and led to a complete service and constitutional collapse in the country, which requires concerted efforts to get Sudan out of the crisis, end the war and build a comprehensive and sustainable peace.

He called on all societal and revolutionary forces to agree and cooperate to achieve and resolve major Sudanese issues, launch dialogue, reject violence, extremism and hate speech, and commit to the principles of peaceful political action.

Goals of the United Civilian Forces Alliance

– Stopping the war, building peace, and laying the foundations of state building in a transitional period with clear goals that lead to a full democratic transition with free and fair elections.

– The establishment of the new Sudanese state based on the pillars of construction, justice, and democracy in a united Sudan, according to a civilian federal system of government in which the state stands at an equal distance from religions, identities, and cultures.

– The establishment of a single national professional army that is free from politics and regional and ethnic biases, and the military institution must reflect in its composition and senior leadership the diversity of the people of Sudan with their cultures and complexions.

– The concept of founding and rebuilding will affect all state institutions and their administrative and legal systems to ensure efficiency, professionalism, nationalism, and fair distribution of opportunities among Sudanese.

– Pursuing a balanced foreign policy that meets the interests of the people and achieves regional and international peace and cooperation.

– Reconstructing what was destroyed by the war, building an efficient national economy, developing the countryside, and removing the consequences of the war by supporting an integrated program for IDPs and refugees that includes voluntary return, settlement, and resettlement.

– Transitional justice and accountability for all crimes and violations committed in Sudan since June 30, 1989, including the extradition of those wanted by the International Criminal Court.

(Summits) Appeals to the parties to the conflict to respond to calls for peace

The Coalition of United Civilian Forces appealed to the parties to the conflict in Sudan to respond to the calls of the international community to negotiate in order to stop the bloodshed and reach a ceasefire agreement that protects civilians and enables the entry of aid. He stressed the need for this agreement to be the basis for political talks that do not exclude anyone except the dissolved National Congress and its political fronts.

He called on the army and the RSF to work to alleviate the suffering of citizens in the areas under their control by allowing the passage of food and medicine without any restrictions. He condemned “any attempt to use food as a weapon, as this constitutes a war crime.”

The coalition also appealed to both sides to alleviate the suffering of prisoners and treat them in accordance with international conventions and covenants, stressing the importance of releasing them, especially the injured, sick and elderly.

The coalition appreciates the RSC’s repeated response to all international calls to stop the war, calling on the army to respond to calls for peace to end the suffering of the Sudanese people. The coalition also appealed to the international community to unify platforms and initiatives aimed at resolving the Sudanese crisis.

The United Civilian Forces Alliance condemned what it called the “selective targeting” of safe communities in cities and remote rural areas by military aircraft, killing innocent people and livestock and destroying hospitals, power plants, water resources and citizens’ homes. This is unprecedented racial and regional targeting in Sudan’s history.

He also condemned all violations against unarmed civilians in Sudan, emphasizing his rejection of the use of missiles containing internationally banned substances, for fear of damaging and polluting the environment.

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