
The killing of an officer accused of killing the martyr Mahjoub Al-Taj stirs controversy on social media

Rhino: Agencies – The killing of Brig. Gen. Omar al-Numan Abdeen, director of the Operations and Coordination Department at the Counter-Terrorism Authority of the Security and Intelligence Service (SIS), on Wednesday sparked a great controversy on social media.

The commander of the agency’s special task forces was killed in armored corps battles between the army and its allies and the Rapid Support Forces.

Omar al-Numan was one of the 11 defendants in the case of the murder of medical student Al-Taj Mahjoub, who were convicted and sentenced to death by hanging, and remained in prison until the outbreak of the war between the army and the RSF, after which he was released, before joining the war on the side of the Sudanese army.

The killing of Brigadier General Amen Omar al-Numan sparked controversy on social media. While accounts affiliated with the former regime glorified him as a martyr, activists dug up his bloody history during the era of the former regime, and published videos of him inside the dock in the court of the martyr Al-Taj Mahjoub’s murder case.

The Shajarah Military District Command and the Armored Corps mourned the death of Brigadier General Amn Omar al-Numan, saying that he was killed on Wednesday, after a long career of duty and sacrifice.

Journalist Ahmed al-Balal al-Tayeb said on the X platform that Omar al-Numan was killed following an offensive opening by the Special Action Forces, which he led by himself in Jabra, where he was shot by RSF snipers.

Others pointed out that the military movement led by al-Numan was not coordinated with the Sudanese army, but rather was the movement of Islamist militias fighting with the army.

Abdul Jabbar Ibrahim emphasized that what happened in Hattab and the armored vehicles is the beginning of the imminent bloody separation between the army and the Islamic brigades, noting that: “After the betrayal of some army officers, the Muslim Brotherhood Brigades, without instructions from the army command, attacked the Rapid Support installations in the Hattab area, which is a labyrinth, and surrounded them from three directions, killing most of the attacking force and capturing the rest, and another force led by Brigadier General  Omar al-Numan also moved without instructions from the division command in the armored vehicles and attacked the Rapid Support, which eliminated this force and killed al-Numan, who was accused of killing the brave martyr Mahjoub al-Taj.”

Activists considered Omar al-Numan to be a serial killer and was promoted on this basis, and he is the one who issued the killing orders during the days of the revolution, and people saw him in court appearing before the judge.

Bushra Ali said: “Omar al-Numan is a murderer who committed the most horrible crimes regarding the martyr Mahjoub al-Taj, as he denied him the ambulance service and chased even those who tried to transport the martyr to the hospital.”

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