
Dozens of civilians killed and injured when army warplanes bombed the central market in Khartoum

Khartoum: Rhino – On Thursday, armed forces aircraft carried out airstrikes on Khartoum’s central market, killing and injuring dozens of civilians, including women and children.

The RSF condemned the incident, describing it as an inhumane act against innocent civilians, and called on the international community, human rights organizations and those concerned with humanitarian affairs to condemn what it called ‘the barbaric behaviour of the leaders of the armed forces and their deliberate bombing of populated areas since they started the war on 15 April last year.’

The RSF added in a statement on Thursday: ‘The bombing of civilians by warplanes has been a continuous approach since the 1990s, during the Southern War and through the wars in Darfur and the Blue Nile and South Kordofan regions, killing thousands of innocent people and causing large-scale displacement in Darfur and other parts of the country.

The statement said: ‘The continuation of crimes against unarmed citizens and the violation of their rights doubles our responsibilities to rid our people of the hegemony of the terrorist Islamic Movement, which still controls the decision of the Sudanese Armed Forces through a leadership that is completely dependent on it, but the brave men of our forces are moving strongly until the end of this corrupt gang that conquered and destroyed our country and bequeathed it poverty and failure, and we can only look forward to a promising future for our country by establishing a single professional army on a solid national doctrine.

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