
Sudanese Congress: Port Sudan government facilitated the smuggling of former regime leaders

Khartoum: Rhino – The Sudanese Congress Party (SCP) on Tuesday condemned what it called ‘the complicity of the illegitimate Port Sudan authority’ by facilitating the escape of the former regime leaders from Kober prison to outside Sudan, in conjunction with the recent statements by the police that they were released in an orderly manner and signed a pledge to ‘surrender themselves’, the party said in a press statement on Tuesday.

 The party said in a press statement on Tuesday: ‘Last Monday, we saw on social media a video documentation of the leader of the dissolved terrorist National Congress terrorist organization “Nafi Ali Nafi” outside Sudan in one of the countries, roaming freely without restrictions, although the country is not without prisoners in the grip of the Port Sudan authority in other states, but not without detainees in various detention facilities, some of which are not known. But the way was opened for them to leave).

He continued: ‘The escape of the symbols of the former regime is the biggest proof of their control over the decision-making process by the de facto authority that lacks legitimacy, and that this war is nothing but an adventure planned by the salvation leaders, if they succeed in it completely, they will regain their power and keep the stolen money of the Sudanese people in their coffers, and if the adventure fails, at least they will get out of prison. Their personal gain represents the motive for all their crimes, including the great crime of igniting the war, turning the country into rubble, and our people between the dead, wounded, displaced and refugees).

Observers suggest that allowing regime supporters to leave Sudan was done in agreement with Al-Burhan, so that they would not be arrested again, if this is agreed upon in the upcoming negotiations.

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