
Three people, including a child, were killed by the army’s bombing of Al-Mairam in West Kordofan 

Rhino: Agencies – Eyewitnesses revealed that three people, including a child, were killed in a raid launched by the army’s warplanes on the city of ‘Al-Mirim’, West Kordofan state.

‘Darfur24’ news website quoted the witnesses as saying that at 9:00 pm on Friday, 19 July, the warplanes dropped 9 barrels on “Al-Mirim”, killing three citizens, including a child, while another person was seriously injured.

The dead were identified as Nafi Abu al-Qasim Mohammed, Adam Nafi, and his son (a child under the age of ten).

The RSF took control of the 92nd Brigade command in al-Mairam on 4 July, after the army withdrew from it to South Sudan, which has a land border with the area.

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