
Report: Rapid Support controls the largest and most resource-rich area in Sudan

Rhino: Agencies – A new report, issued by the African Defence Forum (ADF) magazine, which is issued quarterly by the US Africa Command, revealed on Tuesday that the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has made uninterrupted progress over the Sudanese army in the war that broke out in April 2023. The report added that the RSF now controls most of the country and an area that is the largest and richest in terms of resources, a year and months after the war.

The African Defence Platform’s report on the war in Sudan confirmed that the RSF’s victories in places such as the city of Foula, the capital of West Kordofan state, ‘secured them access to the Sudanese army’s military bases and areas in the region, with their weapons and materiel.’ The report also noted that the RSF’s control of West Kordofan State has brought Sudan’s largest oil field under its control.

‘The Sudanese Armed Forces and allied militias still control northern and eastern Sudan while losing most of the central region, which includes the states of White Nile, Khartoum, Gezira, and Sennar.  The report added: Most resource-rich areas are under the control of the RSF, such as gold mines in western Sudan, as well as the most fertile agricultural land in the center and a large part of the capital region).

The report revealed information previously announced by the RSF, including that the Sudanese army, with the help of Iranian drones, was able to retake parts of Omdurman, especially the neighborhood that houses the National Broadcasting Corporation, and hold on to El Fasher, the besieged capital of North Darfur. In recent weeks, there have been clashes between the army and the Rapid Support Forces to control key areas in the eastern state of Sennar, which includes vital areas of agricultural land.

The report also noted that the army carried out mass arrest campaigns in Blue Nile and Gedaref states and parts of Sennar state, which it controls, under the guise of eliminating sleeper cells loyal to the RSF, adding: ‘Most of those arrested were from Darfur, some of whom worked in medical facilities or in popular anti-war groups known as resistance committees.

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